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Access to the bridge over the Rosario river on Route 1

Service area

Geometric Design of Road Infrastructure. Hydraulic Design


Road infrastructure and storm drainage project. Road Signaling and Safety Project.


Ramón C. Álvarez


Ing. Alejandro Barchiesi (MTOP)


December 2016 - May 2017


Colonia, Uruguay

Actual state


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Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas (MTOP) through Tender P / 35, put out to tender the Project and Construction of a new bridge over the Rosario River and its accesses on the north road of Route 1 Km 127. In this sense, the company Ramón C. Álvarez finally awarded a contract to CDS Ingenieros for the aforementioned projects.

Scope of services:

Among the main works carried out, the following stand out:

  • Topography of the entire project area.
  • Executive project of the new north road, as well as the necessary interventions that had to be made in the existing south road.
  • Executive project of storm drains.
  • Horizontal and vertical signage project for the entire project.
  • Level junction project between Route 1 from Montevideo and towards Colonia Valdense.

Technical team:

Ing. Diego Nollenberger, AT. Gonzalo Abella
