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Traffic Study and Pavement Deterioration Routes 21 and 24

Service area

Mobility studies


Study of traffic demand and calculation of deterioration of pavements


SACYR Concesiones S.L. (Spain)


Ing. Javier Perales (Chile)


Juanuary - March 2015


Departments of Colonia, Soriano, Río Negro and Paysandú

Actual state


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Within the framework of the International Public Tender No. 30/14 of the MTOP regarding the “Diseño, Construcción, Operación y Financiamiento de la Infraestructura Vial en Ruta 21, Tramo: Nueva Palmira —Ruta 2 y Ruta 24, Tramo: Ruta 2 —Ruta 3” the company SACYR Concesiones hires the firms ISTEC Ingeniería and CDS Ingenieros, the review of all the antecedents related to the tender regarding the traffic demand projections and their updating, manual traffic classified counts and determination of deterioration factors and projection of equivalent axes for all the sections associated with the aforementioned call.

Scope of services:

The following activities were carried out

  • Review of available antecedents: previous studies of the CND, counting and weighing stations of the MTOP, etc.
  • Study of the transit generating poles in the project’s area of ​​influence, in particular the pulp mills (UPM and Montes del Plata) and the Port of Nueva Palmira, in order to estimate growth above or below the trend that could affect the traffic predictions.
  • 1-day 24-hour traffic counts at 2 representative points, one on Route 21 and another on Route 24, plus 3 points in each section with 12-hour counts.
  • Estimates of traffic growth for a 25-year horizon.
  • Load equivalence data for heavy vehicles based on information received from the MTOP

Based on the data collected and produced by the counts, a report was prepared where the current demand and its projection until 2040 (end of the concession) were analyzed. In addition, a sensitivity analysis of the traffic projections was carried out. Using the AASHTO sizing methodology, the different named equivalence actors were determined. All the aforementioned works were carried out in a period of less than two months, allowing the company Sacyr to adjust its proposal for the tender and finally be awarded the contract.

Technical team:

Ing. Nelson Pintos, Ing. Diego Nollenberger, Ing. Maria Eugenia Cardozo
